
Detailed message layoutΒΆ

A complete CEF message is written out into the payload section of the heka message.

CEF metadata including syslog priority, syslog ident, and syslog facilty are passed as string fields in the Heka message.

The following shows a capture of an example CEF message being captured by hekad.

2013/09/23 12:15:09 <
    Timestamp: 2013-09-23 12:15:09.134116864 -0400 EDT
    Type: cef
    Hostname: Victors-MacBook-Air.local
    Pid: 80776
    UUID: 95833933-db90-515f-9c43-469733c560e4
    Payload: Sep 23 12:15:09 Victors-MacBook-Air.local CEF:0|mozilla|weave|3|xx\|x|xx\|x|5|cs1Label=requestClientApplication cs1=MySuperBrowser requestMethod=GET request=/ src= dest= suser=none
    EnvVersion: 0.8
    Severity: 6
    Fields: [name:"cef_meta.syslog_priority" value_type:STRING representation:"" value_string:"EMERG"
             name:"cef_meta.syslog_ident" value_type:STRING representation:"" value_string:"my_funny_app"
             name:"cef_meta.syslog_facility" value_type:STRING representation:"" value_string:"KERN"]